“I truly believe in the power of mind, body, and soul alignment and the capability of our amazing bodies to heal themselves through the use of bodywork.”

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Esthetician in San Diego, California. I studied both Massage and Esthetics in New York and relocated to Encinitas, CA four years ago. My passion lies within the power of wellness, connection, and healing. I offer a holistic experience, acting as a facilitator for your own healing process. I truly believe in the power of mind, body, and soul alignment and the capability of our amazing bodies to heal themselves through the use of bodywork. I’m so excited to invite you into a safe and sacred space where you can unwind and de-stress.

I truly care about each and every one of my client’s health and wellbeing which is why I pay extra close attention to the listening aspect of our intake together. I want to know how you are feeling, both physically as well as mentally. I am passionate about learning and have always strived to be someone who will push myself to expand and learn whenever possible. I love working in the healing space and am so grateful to be doing what I truly love and to be living in alignment with my purpose.

Massage therapy is a creative outlet for me. It’s my intention to bring about body awareness and a deeper understanding and connection with yourself. I invite you to connect with your breath and come to a grounded space where you can truly relax and let go. Thank you so much for being here and for caring for your health and wellbeing.